Uhg im just so mad that I let you get close to me
Like I don't think I could ever let you
Like ever
What a mess trying to prove that we don't need eachother
(Yeah I need it to sound like that
Just hit rewind and start it up again )
What a mess we made trying to prove we don't need eachother
I think what makes me more angry is I let her get to know me
And honestly next time around
I'll never allow someone to disrespect me like that
It's disgusting
What a mess we made trying to prove we don't need eachother
Need eachother
And they were right I should've left when they told me to!
It's literally not your problem anymore
You literally get to live your life free!
All the stupid s**** you had to put up with is now finally over!
I can honestly say I've been more peaceful than ever
So thank you for showing your true colors so I now I can heal