I remember as if yesterday
I used to cry to sleep, lying in my bed
Si isch überau
Nid immer präsänt
U glich machts di fertig
Widerstand isch Angst
U je meh Angst ufchunnt
Desto meh Widerstand
Dits am Horizont
Aas isch nid müglech
Äs isch än Indikator
Ohni Angst ischs gfährlech
Angst vorem Schiterä
U vorem Erfoug
Vorem Verurteilä
Es het di verfougt
Nöis verlangt
Auts hinger sech z la
Unbekannts macht Angst
Me muess sech überwindä
We dini Ängst besigsch
Bisch uf em richtige Pfad
O wed mängisch ungerliegsch
Bis starch wine Soldat
Frag di nid
Was wär wenn
Fass di Muet
Im Garte Zen
Muesch d Gsamtheit betrachte
U nid was aues cha schief ga
We de mau failsch
Duesch eifach wieder ufstah
There used to be too many things to break
Too many dreams to achieve I could lose on the way
And I was alone trying to face
All the shadows around, taking out my breath
Tomorrow I'll find my way to the sunshine
Or that is what I used to say
Vo dine Ängst
Hesch nüt z verliere
Wed drüber nache dänksch
Du bisch Meischter
Im Stüre vo dine Gedanke
Es geit dr besser
Wed am Positive blibsch hange
Wärde immer blibä
Blib realistisch
Due nid übertribä
Due di la tribe
Vom positive Vibe
Due Gschicht schribe
Du bisch bereit!
Machschs Buech uf
Gsehsch ä lääri Sitä
Housch tief Schnuuf
U fangsch a schribe
Wort für Wort
Schribsch diner Gedanke nieder
Di Zuefluchtsort
Für einisch wieder
Es hiuft dir
Dini Ängst z überwindä
Ds Stück Papier
Cha Wunder voubringä
Ke Verbitterig
U Depressione
Ke Enttüschig
Nur gueti Emotione
Nothing will change if you just sit and wait
Your troubles will keep running as a big satellite
You have to make your move, be smart and brave
No matter if your are falling, one day you will stand
That is the best that we can learn
We have to fight it day to day
Nim d Challenge ah u la d Angst la ga
Due di uf neus ila und du wirsch stunä
And our skin will become strong
Optimismus isch ke Luxus
Es isch mentau, aues ä Frag vom Fokus
It's all about not giving up
A bit of time and you will make it stay
Try to get the best, even if you fail
Nevermind for all that you can mess
New ways to build up, it's what we need to learn
The times you cried of rage
Memories lost in the pain
Good moments flown away
Dragged by your anger
You didn't want to say goodbye
Your fears pulled you back
Nothing made you satisfied
And all tasted broken
Tomorrow you'll find your way to the sunshine
That is something you can say
Tomorrow you'll find your way to the sunshine
That is something you can say