Fond of my thoughts once aimless
Wanderer I'm attain less
Sabotage me escape it
Drifting away erase this
Vapor trails in the highs
Memories fade passed by
My inner rhymes ones never die
This world my time to rewrite
Broken pieces of shattered pasts
Try to make these moments last
But time slips through our fingertips
Can't stop my rhymes thinking it
Vapor trails in the highs
Memories fade passed by
My inner rhymes move never die
This world my time to rewrite
Broken pieces of shattered pasts
Try to make these moments last
But time slips through our fingertips
Can't stop my rhymes thinking it
Vapor trails in the highs
Memories fade passed by
My inner rhymes move never die
This world my time to rewrite
Losing ourselves in the glitch
Fading into obscurity
In the noises we find reasons
Be yourself assumingly
Vapor trails in the highs
Memories fade passed by
My inner rhymes move never die
This world my time to rewrite