It's so easy to complain but I never said goodbye before she died - now it's been a year or two since then
We met just after twenty plenty of love but little or no money
Those college years were blessed with art and you my muse to compose
You made me a quilt a margarita and a taco or two But you flatly wanted no children and that pained me so blue Oooh blue
We dreamed of a little house near the beach Maybe we'd get a yellow station wagon or a little red truck A roof rack for camping with all the kids we'd never have and never did
Almost 40 years since the telltale heart told of killing our love story I'm trying to get comfortable with this metaphysicality
I've never been a tortured soul I remember how you tried Oohhh you tried
Beaches deserts mountains and the zoo We'd do all the things we wanted to
Art shouldn't come before life I wanted a life with two kids of our own
We moved from San Diego to Laurel Canyon before you took that job in San Francisco you left me alone to my thoughts dreams and music
So I now I write some sappy love songs about rainy hearts and somber skies And ohhhh did it pour Let it pour I'll try my best not to complain So I'll just write some more