There goes a crab!
You better not move a little muscle
Spikes and claws: deterrence
But what's the point when the big man comes swooping in?
I saw your life disappear
I feel the clock: tik tok tik
I don't want to die, so I am going to hide
Patiently, hopingly
And another one goes
Then a handful, then a truckful, then me!
I feel my life disappearing
I can really feel the clock now: tik tok tik tok tik tok
I don't want to die, but I am going to die
Where are you? Am I all alone?
Well, here we all are in the bucket
It sucks down here in the bucket
Won't somebody please help me out of this bucket?
Why are you pulling me back down this bucket!
I am going to die! You are going to die!
This is all your fault. This is all my fault