Some of us grow in soil
Fortified by those who've died
Abandoning the spoils
Some of us grow like weeds
Thriving despite everything
Designed to intervene
And some of us will dare
To walk the line between clear eyes
And soul-crushed despair
The curtain's up too early
We've seen the man behind already
Too late, the magic trick is ruined
Real eyes realize real lies
Some of us marched in streets
Unwelcome in the places others
You would gladly greet
Some of us paid our dues
Dying underground for what you
Stole for your own use
And some of us will dare
To walk the line between clear eyes
And soul-crushed despair
The curtain's up too early
We've seen the man behind already
Too late, the magic trick is ruined
Real eyes realize real lies
The curtain's up too early
We've seen the man behind already
Too late, the magic trick is ruined
Real eyes realize real lies