I went out walking down by the bay yesterday.
There I saw a man whose ponderous smile did entertain.
I said, ""Tell me all that you know! Can you please?
'Cause I'm getting lost in a fog of uncertainty.""
He said, ""I'm feeling fine as a vine in the sunshine.""
I said, ""Who taught the daisy how to behave lazily?
Cnd who told the bees that honey was sweet and good to eat?
Cnd who said trees could stand tall in the breeze?
Cnd who told the leaves to return after the Winter freeze?""
He said, ""I'm feeling fine as a vine in the sunshine.""
When I'm up I'm down, when I'm in I'm out
I feel good, to say the least...
When I'm out I'm 'round, when I'm upside down
I feel good to say the least...
I went out walking down by the bay the next day.
There that same old man sang his casual verse on replay.
I said, ""Tell me all that you know! Can you please?
Tell me all I could want, tell me everything that I could need!""
He said, ""I'm feeling fine as a vine in the sunshine.""