There's no escape, I'm starting to move
Don't even know where I'm going
But I gotta get ready
You gotta getta ready
Maybe I'll just take a trip into town
Maybe I'll find some new hide outs
But I got to get ready
You gotta getta ready
I said, I said you gotta getta ready
I see my friends coming down the street
They're looking fancy
So I gotta get ready
You gotta getta ready
Not like my looks are defining my style
Seems like I spend most my life
Getting ready
You gotta getta ready
I said, I said you gotta getta ready
Well I'm going to the park now
Just to take a little look around
Got to be somewhere this afternoon
Oh, I'm never going to make it
They say I need a new party dress
I'm looking pretty but my hair, oh, I'm getting ready
Your always getting ready
I sometimes wonder what my life is about
Do I really want to go or is it fine just getting ready?
You gotta getta ready
I said, I said you gotta getta ready
Gotta get ready
Gotta getta ready
Gotta get ready
Gotta getta ready
Gotta get ready
Gotta getta ready, ready ready!
Nope, not going to happen!