Dear me, it's been quite a while since we had a chat
You went away but we love you and we need you back
Over time, it seems you may have lost your way
But hopefully, there's still a chance it's not too late
If this message finds you in time and you're doing well
If you're reading it and you're still alive and not in jail
Do something worthwhile and positive, make history
Don't die a mystery... Sincerely, me
I always considered myself the exception to the rule that I would never
Sell my soul to be excepted or be thought of as cool
But that's exactly what I ended up doing, low key
I called my people nigga, and nigga's what they called me
Somewhere along the path, I guess I kinda lost my way
Everybody else way saying it, so I thought it would be okay
I even made up rules like "I can say it, because I'm black"
I can sing it in a song, but you can't sing it back
I told myself I took control of the word, jokes on me
Cause I call mySELF a nigga now, they don't need to say it B
Negro, nigger, nigga it's all the same
I identify with this word more than my own name
But I have remember where that shit came from tho, nowhere nice
These people took me and sold me for a f*cking price
They didn't bother to learn MY name, instead they gave me this
And I proudly embrace it like it's some kind of gift
But it's not a gift it's a mutherf*cking racial slur
Blacks, whites, hispanics nobody use the word
How about instead when we refer to one another
We use a word more appropriate like I don't know - brother?
Dear me, it's been quite a while since we had a chat
You went away but we love you and we need you back
Over time, it seems you may have lost your way
But hopefully, there's still a chance it's not too late
If this message finds you in time and you're doing well
If you're reading it and you're still alive and not in jail
Do something worth while and positive, make history
Don't die a mystery... Sincerely, me
I'm not exactly sure when or where along the road
My women stopped being women and became bitches and hoes
But I know I have a son and my son has a mother
And even though we're not together anymore, I still love her
Yeah we had our issues, and I did some things that I regret
But that doesn't make her less than human or undeserving of respect
Her name ain't bitch and it shole ain't ho
And even though we may never be cool again, she needs to know that
God put her on this earth to be the cradle of life
And I should have been more appreciative when she was my wife
Now I can't turn back the hands of time to try make it right
It's best to wish her well and to have a happy life
But what I take from that I needed to show some more respect
For one of the greatest gifts from God - the fairer sex
And if I'm lucky enough to ever fall in love again
As God is my witness, I'll be a better Ken
For the rest of you men out there, stunting and trappin'
Not only are they not thots and hoes, we're blessed to have em
That if it weren't for my mother, there would be no me
And for the record, there's no hoes in my family tree
Dear me, it's been quite a while since we had a chat
You went away but we love you and we need you back
Over time, it seems you may have lost your way
But hopefully, there's still a chance it's not too late
If this message finds you in time and you're doing well
If you're reading it and you're still alive and not in jail
Do something worth while and positive, make history
Don't die a mystery... Sincerely, me
If I could facetime my younger self, or send a letter
What would I say? Probably that I could do better
I've taken a lot of short cuts and what not over the years
Made a lot of mistakes cried a lot of tears
Done a lot of things, that I probably shouldn't a did
And said a lot of things I probably shouldn't a said
Honestly, I'm kind of surprised I'm still alive
But here I am, the real me trying to survive
I put a message in a bottle and I let it go
There were some things to be said, that I needed to know
Like it's never too late to try, and I'm damn near fifty
Change starts from within, and it's about me
So before I tell somebody else how to live and what to say
I gotta read this letter and fix Ken Bray
And when I perfect them maybe I can judge you better
But for now I'll keep writing letters to me
Dear me, it's been quite a while since we had a chat
You went away but we love you and we need you back
Over time, it seems you may have lost your way
But hopefully, there's still a chance it's not too late
If this message finds you in time and you're doing well
If you're reading it and you're still alive and not in jail
Do something worth while and positive, make history
Don't die a mystery... Sincerely, me