Making the most of each moment
Loving our Father so kind
Feeling the strength of his sound design
Over the vale draped by clear, blue skies
Under the spread of a bright sunrise
Next to the Age ponder you and I
Behold the man over the vale
Scion to infinite forbear
Father to genesis mind
Breath that gives vigor to humankind
Up on the hill measure senseless loss
Under the shade of a cruel cross
Hushed by the sobs of a mother's wail
Behold the man under the veil
Dreadful come darken the earth for three hours
Shaking that unearths the temple's true power
Out of the graves come the godly to herald his rise
Fearful entomb Him await the third day
Restless assure us his restful delay
Fanfare of angels in white to announce sin's demise
Tearing the veil stretched by sin and strife
Sheltering hope in the Gift of Life
Failure will fail and all death will die
Behold the man go through the veil
Summons the depths of the oceans
Harness the voice of the wind
Meet on that moment that knows no end
Over the veil draped by clear, blue skies
Under the spread of a Bright Son's rise
Next to the Age ponder you and I
Behold the man
Over the vale draped by clear, blue skies
Under the spread of a Bright Son's rise
Failure will fail and all death will die
Behold the man over the vale