And it's just that I'd expect such important news
Delivered by someone in shiny shoes
A dark wood desk, a banker's lamp, such warm space
Not cinder block, a dirtied smock, an empty place
We gulped and prayed that you would be just fine
November Twenty-Nine
When you were just a bouncing, baby girl
Tragedy would rock your parents' world
Hanging in the air 'tween death and life
On your airplane ride
The doctor said he'd sign the certificate
Folks sought God and found He wasn't done yet
Brother Stewart prayed the light stay on
And you just grew more strong
But the prayers that were answered were my own
And it's just that I'd expect such important news
Delivered by someone in shiny shoes
A dark wood desk, a banker's lamp, such warm space
Not cinder block, a dirtied smock, an empty place
We gulped and prayed that you would be just fine
November Twenty-Nine
Full circle from that toe ring to our wedding bands
The covenant reminders of just how we stand
Still our faith requires some things of us
Sometimes we've got to trust
A team of surgeons, one who says, "Just call me Bob"
He's playing down the seriousness of his crucial job
Another says, "Let's talk through these results"
As he's reaching for the knob
Such frightening thoughts, and still the peace of God
And it's just that I'd expect such important news
Delivered by someone in shiny shoes
A dark wood desk, a banker's lamp, such warm space
Not cinder block, a dirtied smock, an empty place
We gulped and prayed that you would be just fine
November Twenty-Nine
I delivered pizzas and newspapers too
Among the different jobs that I used to do
Still I'm a delivery boy of sorts
Only now it's for the LORD
Keep the Bread of Life fresh, get it there on time
Thirty minutes or it's free now that's the kind
And always we're amazed at what we find
Focused on Your Word
Hearts are touched and lives will be restored
But it's just that they'd expect such important news
Delivered by someone in shiny shoes
The sacred desk, the altar lamp, such warm space
Not sinners flocking to a boxy office place
Oh it's just that they'd expect such important news
Delivered by someone in shiny shoes
The sacred desk, the altar lamp, such warm space
Not sinners flocking to a boxy office place
I've got my reasons, I state them all the time
November Twenty-Nine
Mystery mixes right in with sublime
November Twenty-Nine
We gulped and prayed and we have been just fine
November Twenty-Nine