Opening Day Ceremonies
Red, white and blue bunting blowing
Every uniform is bright, not one single grass stain
White chalk is edging the infield
Sponsor billboards round the outfield
The announcer climbs up top to call the play by play
Blue yells, "Play ball!" It's the crack of the bat
The season is now underway
The corners are hot with only one down
Let's turn the 'ole double play
Little League Baseball
I'll take the Frito pie special
And throw in a giant dill pickle
And a suicide Coke, leave all the fizz and foam
What's that? You say Conner got caught in a pickle run down?
And the Colts tried a suicide squeeze?
What in the world's going on out there?
Wait, we're in first place all alone!
Mama made sure that my jersey was clean
Daddy left early from work
No, Mr. Weatherman, it just can't rain
Can't we rake in some more dirt?
Little League Baseball
C'mon, Son, keep your eye on that ball. Choke up on the bat
He's got a really good, curve ball. Tell you what
Why don't try steppin' up in the box a little bit? See if you can't catch it before it breaks
Three up, three down.
Alright, boys, alright, men, look alive, look alive
No holes in this infield now, not today
Let's hear a little chatter out there. Batter, batter, batter swing!
I had to face Raymond Goosby
Fast ball that sent chills right through me
Beaned me on the first pitch, high and tight, he really rattled my grill
Next time around I was iffy
Coach called timeout said, "Son, listen to me." He said,
"If you don't get back on that horse and ride again, right now, why, you never will."
Well, I knew what he meant so I gripped that big stick
Stepped up to the plate like a man
Connected and whizzed one right past Raymond's ear
I still hear the cheers in the stands
Little League Baseball
1954, Peter J. McGovern
Former president of Little League Baseball
Wrote the pledge
I trust in God
I love my country
And will respect its laws
I will play fair
And always strive to win
But win or lose
I will always do my best
Under the lights on the big field
My big brother with all of his best friends
Rosen on the mound, donuts on the deck, statistics on the players
Now that's real ball, you know!
Play's at first, shade him left, hit the cut-off man
Rock-n-fire Babe, 'round the horn, there's another K
They're going all the way to state, maybe even Williamsport
Stuart Kopesky, Darby Ford
Harper, Munoz and Jeff Shilling
Lanky Jamie Hi-ad and Coach Boz Skaggs
Giants of our little game
Oh the lessons I learned have served me well
Work hard, do the best that you can
Momentum is strange, things turn around
Play fair, shake the other guy's hand
Little League Baseball
Well, did ya hear? Michael Eunich yanked one
Uh-huh, he sure did. Right down the right field line
Why that ball traveled so high, and so far, that it landed all the way down the hill in the minor league playing field!
No joke! They had to stop the game
Well, I'll tell you one thing
If that Bob Crutchfield ever connects with a pitch, that ball's gonna' fly! It's gonna' sail right over the center field lights
Yeah, Coach, I'll go to Dairy Queen with y'all, but I sho thot y'all said practice start at 12!
Hey, c'mon everybody, now put another dollar bill in the bucket when it comes past your row. Remember, this goes to help our kids