In the flour mill where the work don't slow
There's a man named Joey everybody knows
On the forklift he's a master in the chaos flow
But he's joking with the crew letting laughter grow
Break time comes Joey's jokes abound
Turns the warehouse into a comedy ground
From the youngest newbies to the bosses found
In St. Joey's humor pure joy is crowned
Oh St. Joey with a heart so bright
Making workdays feel so light
With his goofy grin and eyes so right
In laughter's warmth he's our guiding light
Morning shifts begin with weary eyes
Till Joey's laugh cuts through the skies
A click of the clock and spirits rise
In the flour mill where dreams coalesce and ties
Life ain't all serious when Joey's near
In the daily grind he spreads good cheer
And when he lifts that pallet clear
You know he's got your back year after year
Oh St. Joey with a heart so bright
Making workdays feel so light
With his goofy grin and eyes so right
In laughter's warmth he's our guiding light