As the two little ships are finally landing on the untouched wonderful unknown ground
- they see the beautiful surrounding and the crews are hearing is natural jungle sound
We can even breathe the air - no problems after testing it - and everything really fair
They step out and are impressed Is this our new home? Then truly we are blessed
The Crew is exploring the area and they are moving through a field
- when suddenly their driving unit is stopped from an invisible shield
No technical instrument is working in this zone
- and suddenly they realize a movement in front of them
- all are shocked to the bone
Three big aliens are standing in their way - Nobody knows what to do or what to say
The creatures make signs that they should walk - and no one was allowed to talk
The little group reaches a place - a building made of very strong unknown metal
Outside looking like an alien face - but inside like a control room for a battle
The Crew is led to a big machine which suddenly begins friendly to talk
- It is in their language - they understand what to do and where to walk
They realize that this are information's for a special expedition team that is awaited here
There were good contacts in former times - all is prepared - but not for them - that is clear
They Crew tells them that they are searching for a place in space to call a home
The Earth - the planet of the human race is destroyed - and the planet is blown
They explain to be randomly are on this ship and are following a programmed trip
Nobody wants to disturb and there was no knowledge of life here on the ship
In the twilight of the stars the void reveals its grace
Touchdown on a world unknown pure wonder uncharted place