Could you turn your head towards the sun again
The way the light hits your eyes is
Timing hasn't been a good friend
Invited again and again
But has yet to attend
Oh how we wait for it
I adore you
But that doesn't bring moments to
Time we don't have to use
I don't know all of love's ways
But I don't think it's at work here, babe
If you let me go
I will do the same
Could we play that song we both love to sing
The way we meet each other in melodies is
Patience has been our best friend
Pushed away
But always comes back
In the end
Oh how we tire it
You adore me
But that doesn't bring change to
Things we don't get to choose
I don't know all of love's ways
But I don't think it's at work here, babe
If you let me go
I will do the same
I don't know all of love's ways
But I don't think it's at work here, babe
If you let me go
I will do the same
If you let me go
I will do the same
If you let me go
I will do the same