The throne of the Lord
High and lifted up
The train of His robe
Fills the temple
The Lord alone
Will be exalted
Wonderful, counselor
Clmighty God, everlasting father
Prince of peace,
He is our majestic one
The word of the Lord
Stands forever
The power in His voice
Is moving mountains
The Lord alone
Will be exalted
Wonderful, counselor
Clmighty God, everlasting father
Prince of peace,
He is our majestic one
The Lord's majesty endures
Forevermore, forevermore
The Lord's majesty endures
Forevermore, forevermore
Every knee will bow
Singing holy, holy
Cnd every tongue confess
Worthy, worthy is our God
The Lord alone
Will be exalted
Wonderful, counselor
Clmighty God, everlasting father
Prince of peace
He is our majestic
Prince of peace
He is our majestic
Prince of peace
He is our majestic one