I didn't wanna think about it now
And didn't wanna feel so lame
Don't wanna see me backin' down
Afraid of disdain
Feeling the imposter syndrome
Feeling that it's taking names
Don't wanna be so wrapped up in something so mundane
I know that I'm better than this
I know that I'll make it through
It's just hard when your biggest critic is always you
So take away
What it is
What you find in yourself that's not worth it
I'm tired of feeling like I'm loosing out
And that I just can't keep it straight
Gettin' worried about things before they can even populate
But that's just what fear does creeping in
And anxiety writing plans
I guess I'll just have to be my biggest critic and my biggest fan
So take away
What it is
What you find in yourself that's not worth it
So take away
What it is
And what's holding you back, is it the same critic?