I'm lying in my bed trying to teach myself about lonliness
That it doesn't need a man to fix it
This is hard I've lost interest in trying to fix things and rather ponder them
Than work them, than work them out out
Everytime you come around I aint got much to say to you ur too pretty to be fun
No I aint got much to say to u
Everytime you come around I aint got much to say to you you're boring me comeon!
No I aint got much to say to you
I used to work my math problems out like a rabbit running from wild teeth
Quick and all over the place see
The teachers would get mad Saying Look at this slop y scribble
Though most times the answers would be Right But because I went so
Sometimes the one didn't carry or it looked like a seven
Everytime you come around I aint got much to say to you
You're stillborn in a gun
I aint got much to say to you
Wanna a man to peel and eat me down the way the ocean swallows the sun your gone
I've come no i aint got much to say to you
I've been told to slow down a lot in my life...
The fat lady in the rocker says when she teaches me how to feel
It's not about what but how when I don't breathe right
Slow with the ribs, otherwise the notes sound wrong
But The stillness scares me When I was a child
When my father was still I'd hold his nose, make