Wake wake wake up
To the news
See my feed
I don't like it
Bodies violence guns and gunmen
Want to curl up and unsee it
Fear always likes to set in so quick
I don't know how long I can take it
Get your news here we've got news news and more news
Corpses shooters you name it
You'll never have to focus on your own problems
Just sell us your attention
News that's taken out of context
Powdered edited and clipped
Played on loop until it sets in
Masses live depressed in panic
We don't want any more violence
We don't want another war
Stop inflaming rhetoric
That is how you make more problems
Buy buy buy your ammo
Buy buy buy your guns
We need to be realistic
Lock lock lock your doors
Close your curtains stay inside
We're scared of the unknown
News that's taken out of context
Powdered edited and clipped
Played on loop until it sets in
Masses live depressed in panic
If we eat what they force-feed us and don't stop to question it
Sheep of heart and frenzied mindset insecure without protection
Build build build a wall
Blow blow blow them up
We will not hear the fear you spread
Build build build a wall
Blow blow blow them up
You won't monetize our attention
Sick of manipulation
End fake news once and for all