Ua cas hmo no kuv pw tsis tau
Npau suav txog thaum
Kuv tseem hluas
Xav mus xav los
Damn time's changed
I wish that I could go back
To when times were more simple
Ua cas
Ua cas zoo li no
Why me
Can I get a time machine
Yog tias
I can't change now
Let me just visit the old me
Come over
Cia kuv tus ntsuj plig
Rov qab los hlub kuv nawb
Thov txim
Thov koj hmloog os
I didn't mean none of this to happen
Yog tias lwm hnub tsis muaj
Kuv lawm ces, thov txhob quaj
Thov txiv
Thov koj hmloog os
I gotta leave and face my demons
Kuv yuav nco kuv tsev neeg
Thiab phoojywg mus ib txim
Mus ib tiam
Cia kuv hmloog
Koj lub suab ib zaug ntxiv
Cia wb txoj kev hlub nyob
Rau hauv wb lub siab
Muaj ib hnub wb mas ntsib dua
Thaum kuv mus lawm tsis txhob
Come over
Cia kuv tus ntsuj plig
Rov qab los hlub kuv nawb
Thov txiv
Thov koj hmloog os
I didn't mean none of this to happen
Yog tias lwm hnub tsis muaj
Kuv lawm ces thov txhob quaj
Thov txiv
Thov koj hmloog os
I gotta leave and face my demons
Kuv yuav nco kuv tsev neeg
Thiab phoojywg mus ib txim