You ready?
Just finished watching Rose on twitch
I love being in a world
Where I can catch them all
Game boy
Where else would I want the journey to begin?
Baldur's Gate 3
StarDew Valley
The Mass Effect
Dragon Age Series
This War of Mine
Final Fantasy
And so many more
I just want to live in their world
Come with me to the secret land of fantasy
I know nothing sweeter
Let's be someone else for a change
And forget real life for once
Journey the woods
Save the princess
Be your own king of the castle
Beat the villain and be the hero
Play with friends
Team up
Be the winner
You're never the loser
And Never give up
Even if it's hard
I just want the experience
Come Rose, me and all of my pals for the most fun yet
We'll show you the world in your home
Go on your console put the power on
The graphics show on the screen
With the words
Press Start