Written By Lililita Johnson
Jumelle-The Johnson Sisters
Never in a million years
Would I've been able to for see
What your love truly is
And what its done for me
You pulled me out of trouble
Those seen and unseen
My enemies you scattered
I am triumphant all because of you
Conqueror that is what I am
Over comer that is who I am
Child of God Called by your name
Through Your Strength I can do all things,
Achiever Of dreams bigger that me
Believer that's my reality
You wrote the transcript of my story
I know your faithful to complete it in me
I am who I am
All because you
I can be who I want to be
And it's all because of you
You're like a dream come true
I'll keep on believing
Verse 2
I can make mountains move
It's said it in your word
Speak, declare the word of truth
And so shall it be done
As it is in heaven
So it is on the earth
I really think I got it
It's so easy because of you
Conqueror that is what I am
Over comer that is who I am
Child of God Called by your name
Through Your Strength I can do all things,
Achiever Of dreams bigger that me
Believer that's my reality
You wrote the transcript of my story
I know your faithful to complete it in me
Keep on believing/ Keep on moving
Don't stop pressing/Don't start stressing
Just keep praying and declaring
He wrote the story of your life, and faithful to complete it