This is a song about a girl I used to call
Whenever I was lonely
This is a song about a girl I used to call
I was not her one and only
A criminal in a moralist mind
Your double standard is making you blind
Ye who shall cast your very first stone
Do you envy thy neighbour for being alone?
This is a song about a girl I used to call
Whenever I was lonely
This is a song about a girl I used to call
I was not her one and only
Why can't we let them work?
Provide some decency
Why cant we let them work?
As part of society
Who said sex has to be free?
There are worse things people do for money
Decriminalise, regulate
These workers need protection from the state
This is a song about a girl I used to call
Whenever I was lonely
This is a song about a girl I used to call
I was not her one and only
This is a song about a girl I used to call
Whenever I was lonely
This is a song about a girl I used to call
I was not her one and only