You see me cry
You catch my tears
You understand my deepest fears
You created the world in your own time
You called us forth; you knew our name
This has always been the same
There's a darkness now
Seems it's all around
The Enemy is trying to break us down
But I still feel Your Love Somehow
You are the Holy One You are the righteous King
You are the Everlasting Prince of Peace
You are the Father to the Fatherless
And you are Still the One on the Throne
As the darkness fills the land
You reach and take your child's hand
Are you here? You say I Am.
A beacon in the night, cuts through the fog of fear
Words of my redemption are ringing in my ears
Your hand is near
You are Emmanuel, you are God with us
The giver of peace in which I now trust
Love lead the way; lead us all the way home
The king of my heart is still on the throne