I wanna be there for you in an episode when your feeling alone
I can get your meds and draw you a warm bath Ill stay with you
All I wanna do is find a cure for you a cure for you because this chronic pain stains your brain
Ill stay up with you when your falling apart ill mend your heart
And when your hurting baby I hurt too I care for you
All I wanna do is find a cure for you a cure for you because this chronic pain stains your brain
I know your bodys tired Ill stay with you Ill never leave you
Oh baby your crying Ill wipe your tears and cry with you
All I wanna do is find a cure for you because this chronic pain stains your brain
And Id trade places with you anyday Ill take your pain
No one can feel your pain like I do God it kills me
All I wanna do is a cure for you a cure for you because this chronic pain stains your brain