There's a twisted little flower lookin' at me
Tired in the mud so sad to see
It said "Don't tell me what I already know"
I was afraid to speak, decided to go
Decaying in peace, it seemed easy to leave
Somethin' in its voice made me grieve
Grieve for all the flowers twisted like me
I said, "twisted little flower can't you see"
Flowers can't grow when they're all alone
We all get scared at the sight of ourselves
So why spend the days hiding alive
Only thing that feels twisted is you hoping to die
Sickened by the thought of dying alone
Mangled and rotting on a well-beat path
I laid down myself hoping to see
What twisted us both, simply flowers not free
Flowers can't grow when they're all alone
We all get scared at the sight of ourselves
So why spend the days hiding alive
Only thing that feels twisted is you hoping to die