The Circle's never ending search for love is far from a revolution, but it is circular
After a few dates with another shape, the circle always seems to go back to the very beginning
It could never get very far with any geometrical shape
Because all of the other shapes, squares, octagons, dodecahedrons, have a certain number of sides
Did a circle have a side at all?
That's why the circle always hangs out with stick figures
And Square and Triangle don't mind
These parental units don't want circle
Or rhombus hanging out with ambiguous symbols like minus, division, square root
All they do is negatively affect others
At least stick figures are mildly productive in some talent, as long as they stay away from the forest
But once the circle started reading A Lover's Guide to Triangles by Marvin Hotness Pythagoras
He started to find triangles left and more left
But every triangle the circle met always came with baggage
Some root problem that just didn't add up
This triangle was too acute
This one was too obtuse, this one was too politically correct
This one was two faced, this one had no symmetry
But Pythagoras knew his stuff, and by some centrifugal force
The circle finally met the right triangle