The circle hates being a circle
A circle is even and neutral
The Switzerland of shapes
The circle would rather be a stick figure like its friends
With a straight line and a quick mind
A stick figure has an individual specific gift
Some are excellent at math
Some are amazing at pencil sketches
Others are great at Archery
A circle could do any of these things
But stick figures, they could always do it better
But as the circle draws on more shapes
It drew the conclusion that being a circle ain't so bad
The circle is the jack of all trades
Who has ever heard of a stick figure that can draw
Shoot an arrow
And solve complex differential equations?
Single sided stick figures can only do 1 thing
And all the other shapes the circle passed by
The rectangle, the pentagon
The hexagon, they all have sharp corners
The circle wasn't edgy or narrow or a line segment
So as the circle continued to roll by
It came around and realized, it's nice being well rounded