Goodnight darling
I love you
For one last time
For now
Until I wake up
Yeah again have a really good day please
And if you don't that's okay
But I hope you do
Patience is the key
If I wait for her she'll come back to me
Patience is the key
Trust in my instincts
She will come back to me
I see her in my dreams
I see her in my dreams
Do not fear me
If I give her space she will remember the real me
Do not fear me
I'm not cold or scared
Like they all say I should be
I see you in my dreams
I just keep living in my dreams
Wake up
Eyes closed
Hello mister
My name is miss
It's my understanding you've requested the procedure be done at this residence today
Is that correct
May I come in
Thank you
If you'll lie down now
My associates can begin the procedure
Just lay back and close your eyes please mister
Close your eyes and fall asleep
One last time before it ends
No no no no no no no