Stumbling up while gazing at that lady wearing black
She's back from a funeral or wants death to give her a peck
Shirley just ordered another round
Now she drools while being such a dope
In this patchy congregation after that
Last straw of hope
Mikey shares his visions he sees while being panic-attacked
He says his heart beats at lightspeed while he just cries in his damn closet
At least we did not get busted looking for that last straw
At the bottom of every bottle that was tonight on show
And we just take the midnight bus leaving
Our monthly pension behind
The way to salvation is only a 40-minute ride
Shirley hurries to pray to the porcelain-god at home
While Mikey shakes with fear blaming that
Last cocktail-doom
And the lady leaves with a gent
Who just hides that straw this week
For some it's behind a zipper, for some it's in a sip of a Tullamore Dew indeed
They rented a penthouse
Only and just for themselves
Throwing diamonds at pathetic
8-hour clerks
And again I'm just
Stumbling up while gazing at the lady wearing black
She runs the place now after she gave death a peck
We just order another round
We sit at the same table
In this patchy congregation...