Let's take a torch
To this torch song of yours
The fire's gone out
Extinguished by self-referred
Text upon text
Shouldn't you know what comes next
A ruin of self
Parody parody parody parody
Let's take a drill
To these telephone teeth
Your bites weren't too sharp
Nonetheless your disease-ridden
Spit upon spit
Though you'd never admit
Has been passed around
This here
Quarantine quarantine quarantine
Quarantine town
Got a job in a hotel
That sits atop an old landfill
Cleaning rooms for minimum wage
I'd do it anyway so I may as well get paid
Former location of an old strip mine
From '78 or 1979
Back before they had laws against it
Like I learned in a class I took about it
Called West Virginia History
Taught by one Mister Tomkowski
Way back when I was in 8th grade
I hope they're nice to me on my first day