Morning start in Scranton sly
Pranks and laughs oh watch them fly
Dwight's big plans they go awry
Michael's jokes they touch the sky
Jim and Pam they share a glance
Toby's sighs at work romance
Angela's cat in funny stance
Kevin's grin in cookie trance
Office life so wild and free
Chaos here for us to see
Every day a comedy spree
We're all part of Dunder Mifflin's spree
Stanley's got his crossword game
Creed's the one who's slightly strange
Ryan dreams of fortune fame
Oscar's smart
He's got the range
Phyllis knits and offers tea
Kelly talks reality spree
Andy hums a melody
Meredith's wild and fancy-free
Office life so wild and free
Chaos here for us to see
Every day a comedy spree
We're all part of Dunder Mifflin's spree