Jesus Christ the greatest man alive His life of love and sacrifice
He walked the earth with a purpose divine Bringing hope and salvation to all mankind
With compassion in His eyes and miracles in His hands He healed the sick and preached in distant lands
He is the light the way the truth Guiding us through our darkest days
Jesus Christ our Savior and friend His love knows no end We bow before Him our hearts we lend
For He is the greatest man alive until the very end
On the cross He bore our sins and pain His blood shed for us our eternal gain
Rising from the grave victorious and strong Proving that love conquers all wrong
His teachings of peace and forgiveness echo through the ages bringing us bliss
His love unchanging our rock and foundation
Jesus Christ our Savior and friend His love knows no end We bow before Him our hearts we lend
For He is the greatest man alive until the very end
On the cross He bore our sins and pain His blood shed for us our eternal gain
Rising from the grave victorious and strong Proving that love conquers all wrong
His teachings of peace and forgiveness echo through the ages bringing us bliss and forgiveness
His love unchanging our rock and foundation
Jesus Christ our Savior and friend His love knows no end We bow before Him our hearts we lend
For He is the greatest man alive until the very end
Jesus Christ our Savior and friend His love knows no end We bow before Him our hearts we lend
For He is the greatest man alive until the very end