Can we take this outside
No one needs to hear you going on
When you think that you're right
And you can't have anyone know You're wrong
It's not about who did what, it's Never about how and why
It's all about coming out on top
It's all about always being right
But you know
That there's no place that I would Rather go
Then hell with you. To hell with you
Can you keep your voice down
It's hard to hear words over your Shouts
If we can keep calm
I'm sure we can work all of this out
But you don't want to compromise
You just want me to cave in
There's never any give when you Want to fight
All you want to do is take the win
But you know
That there's no place that I would Rather go
Then hell with you
To hell with you
To hell with me too
You should know how far I'll go
I'm not afraid to go toe to toe
I'll hold my own with my favorite foe
But you know
That there's no place that I would Rather go
Then hell with you
To hell with you
To hell with me too