That is what I want
That is what I want
To express with music what I feel what moves me
Nothing is more suitable
Music as a mirror of the soul
Vulnerable, fragile or powerful
Strong, aggressive, restrained, anxious, cautious or brash and impetuous
Driving or slowing down
That is what I want
To express with music what I feel what moves me
Perhaps sometimes excited, then relaxed again
But always honest, authentic and unadulterated
But always honest, authentic and unadulterated
That is what I want
Nothing is more suitable
Music as a mirror of the soul
Vulnerable, fragile or powerful
Strong, aggressive restrained, anxious, cautious or brash ans impetuous
Driving or slowing down
Driving or slowing down
Perhaps sometimes excited, then relaxed again
But always honest, authentic and unadulterated
But alway honest, authentic and unadulterated