For all I've done all I deserve is purgatory
A recount is needed dare I say it is mandatory
Good intentions at a cost not even half the story
Mistake on mistake just tie me right up on the stake and burn me
Fill me up with dread, or try to, I am full
Self fulfilling prophecy of the 21st century
Confuse not the leper for a damn fool
Clear and straightforward about it like spanner being just a damn tool
Weak hands spinning gears of time, turning revolutions
Turning violent overturning armored cars up by the station
Dictator dragged out by the hands of his own nation
Flock of little blue birds doing social executions
Maybe it's too much to take in in this day and age
In this day I age, another birthday gone, rip another page
Step up to the stage, grab a mic, hit it three times to feedback
You can't kill me anymore than I've killed myself, defeat that