Your man's first generation and
His wife's got a file with the immigration
Is it about the status of their birth
Or is the color of their skin what they're worth
Your man's first generation and
His wife's got a file with the immigration
But it's not the same somehow Cause
They're not red, yellow, black or brown
And you carry your flagstikas
And make your proclamations,
That America is for Americans
While you build your new plantations
Concrete and steel
Yeah, there's no cheaper labor than people stuck in deportation
You can rent 'em for ten cents on the dollar
And hold them indefinitely, in your new plantations
Then America will be great again, cause
The new slaves will be on the chain gang
Working for free, while they wait for freedom
Maybe the economist is the new racist
And it's not red, yellow, black or brown
Could it be,
All they see is green, oh
Put that in the offering plate on Sundays
And visit Abuela in between
At the new plantation
Let's bring it back, bring it back and make America great again
Like it was when we started, when families were ripped apart
And mothers were broken hearted
And children were sold across oceans to make America great, yeah
When Your man was first generation
And His wife had a file with the immigration
But it's not the same somehow 'cause
You're not red, yellow, black or brown
Oh, yeah, they say
Oh, they say
America is for Americans, is what they say
But Ellis Island might beg to differ
And the statue might lower her lamp and whisper
Give me your tired, your poor
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!
But the warden will just laugh, cause
My fellow Americans
You sold out your nation for profit you'll never see
Sold it to the highest bidder
With the lowest common denominator
Keep claimin' you're not racist
Cause it's about the economy
Your man's first generation and
His wife's got a file with the immigration
But it's not the same somehow 'cause
They're not red, yellow, black or brown
It's not racist, it's about the economy
It's not racist, it's about the economy
It's not racist, it's about the economy
It's not racist,
It's about the economy
The economy