Indeed it is Steven but what is the point
To just chill out by smoking a joint
I've started to ponder the point of my life
Is it to have a family with kids and a wife
Also is there an afterlife
What if death itself feels like a stab with a knife
What do we do when we have no one to hold
What do we do if we're lonely when we're old
Am I supposed to fulfill some kind of purpose
Maybe just get a bunch of stuff I wanna purchase
That just doesn't sound right to me
I just want to know who I'm supposed to be
Maybe I'm supposed to make my own destiny
Maybe to life that is the key
How do I know if I am right
What if I can't help living wound tight
I don't know if I can deal with rejection
I'm still kinda scared to get an injection
What if I am all wrong
What if I close my eyes and everyone I love is gone
What do I do when I'm fighting depression
What do I do when I have an obsession
Everyone around me is moving on
Before I know it they will all be gone
Life is moving by way too fast
I feel like it is literally zooming past
I'm being honest when I say I'm scared of death
One day I will breathe my last breath
I'm sorry for ranting I'm just so confused
It calms me seeing Garnet being fused