Shove me down this flight of stairs
Cut my throat and watch me bleed out
Bring your mercy when you
Put the noose around my neck
Oh hell
Shoot me too
Trick my mind
Then crush my head
Bite my nails
And burn my clothes now
Bring your mercy when you
Put me out of my misery
You'll see
It's best that way
Fire blazes through my lungs
Water drowns out all the screaming
Earth is where I'm laid to rest
When it's time
Warm moist darkness
It's my home
All the fighting wore me out
Never did I ask to be here
Bring your boots we shall soon
Go our separate ways
Will you set me ablaze
Watch me fly and
Flee from this rut
You did not know
That I wanted to live
Did you ever want to
See me escape
This dark cage
Bring me solace
And a rifle
All this time I died
You severed my mind
You're crazy
Love me
Don't kill me
Just wait
Bring me death as you go
Won't you just bring me luck
As you go