I'm a crazy witch stirring up my brew
What will you give me to put in my stew
I'm a crazy witch stirring up my brew
What will you give me to put in my stew
I will give you cobwebs, cobwebs
I'm a crazy witch stirring up my brew
What will you give me to put in my stew
I will give you boogers, boogers
Cobwebs, cobwebs
I'm a crazy witch stirring up my brew
What will you give me to put in my stew
I will give you eyeballs, eyeballs
Boogers, boogers
Cobwebs, cobwebs
I'm a crazy witch stirring up my brew
What will you give me to put in my stew
I will give you wool of bat, wool of bat
Eyeballs, eyeballs
Boogers, boogers
Cobwebs, cobwebs
I'm a crazy witch stirring up my brew
What will you give me to put in my stew
I will give you okra, okra
Wool of bat, wool of bat
Eyeballs, eyeballs
Boogers, boogers
Cobwebs, cobwebs
I'm a crazy witch stirring up my brew
What will you give me to put in my stew