Fractals unfurling in endless spirals
Echoes of echoes in infinite halls
The one becomes many the many dissolve
In the dance of the infinite all boundaries fall
Möbius strip twisting inside out and in
Beginning and end are the same in the end
Ouroboros dreaming devouring its tail
In the jaws of forever all distinctions pretend
Aleph null opens its maw to consume
Cantor's transfinite ladder to absolute doom
Uncountable infinities burst at the seam
As reality frays in infinity's dream
Zeno's arrow hangs motionless, mocking our eyes
Achilles and tortoise in eternal reprise
Möbius strip twisting inside out and in
Beginning and end are the same in the end
Ouroboros dreaming devouring its tail
In the jaws of forever all distinctions pretend
Aleph null opens its maw to consume
Cantor's transfinite ladder to absolute doom