Cut off your foresight with a foreign blade. If I dreamt it up, then it MUST take place
Prioritizing for a later date - Am I more sincere when I disappear?
Speak up so big to talk so small
Try turning on only to crank another shaft blowing esteem
Discard the hope you'd ever learn
Buying the notion of a joy winning the favor
Of the masochistic, miserable elite
Was I misleading to have been so bold?
No shame retreating from digging a deeper hole
Open doors catching your heel every time
Maybe not coincidentally
Cease all production of the feigning art that would prop us up to be picked apart
Show off your asshole burning like a star. What of private thought? Discount the loss
Speak up so big to talk so small
Try turning on only to crank another shaft blowing esteem
Discard the hope you'd ever learn
Buying the notion of a joy winning the favor
Of the masochistic, loneliest elite
Was I misleading to have been so bold?
No shame retreating from digging a deeper hole
Open doors catching your heel every time
Maybe not coincidentally
Rightfully so
Ought I answer to the call I've purposefully avoided?
How temporarily useful mechanically
All to our benefit swears up and down each new best friend
How temporarily useful for profiting
All to our detriment, I swear up and down, I'm not who I seem to be.
Open doors catching your heel every time
Maybe not coincidentally
Rightfully so
Layers burying what soul might have been better spent looking out for my own neck