The Light shines in the darkness
The Light for which man has yearned
But man still clings to the darkness
For man still has not learned
That the darkness is a void that no soul can ever fill
That this thing we call existence is not subject to mankind's will
Still they've replaced the objective with the subjective
And removed all purpose from existence
Save a continual, self-loving, sanctimonious insistence
On a failed soteriology they call "progress" or "revolution"
A re-invented square wheel they deem the lasting solution
As they boast themselves the highest in pretentious satisfaction
To hell with their "revolution"
We stand opposed as The Reaction
Reality is not defined by one's appetites or rules
That's a sick disease, filled with holes like cheese, philosophy of fools
A corrosive, deadly poison that turns the soul to dust
Like the sicko who kills some helpless child and then proclaims such action just
Behold mankind's so called "free thought" a chained down, barbed wired, box
And any soul outside its grasp is dismissed as a dumb ox
But only the dumb ox can bellow out the Song, Sacred and Profound
That will shake the earth and smash their tower of babble to the ground
Paraclete come charge down burning, true muse that does inspire
And any soul whose come to hate its chains, rise up, collect the fire