A star lights the way through the silent night
Guiding us gently to the child of light
Born in a manger, so humble, so small
The king of creation, the savior of all
Wrapped in the stillness, the world holds its breath
Infant Jesus, our hope in the depths
Oh, the heavens rejoice, the angels sing
Peace to the earth, a gift he brings
In the glow of his love, the darkness fades
Infant Jesus, the light never wanes
Infant Jesus, child divine
Shining bright in the starlit sky
Born to lead, born to heal
Infant Jesus, our hearts you seal
The shepherds bow low, the wise men draw near
Bearing their gifts for the one we revere
The miracle lies in his gentle gaze
Infant Jesus, the ancient of days
The heavens proclaim, the earth joins in song
A child is born where we all belong
In his presence, we find our rest
Infant Jesus, the purest, the blessed
Infant Jesus, child divine
Shining bright in the starlit sky
Born to lead, born to heal
Infant Jesus, our hearts you seal
Infant Jesus, in you we believe
A gift of love on Christmas Eve