On a summer day, the sun is shining
En un día de verano, el sol brilla
And as the months go by
Soon comes the fall
Es el otoño
With its beautiful colors
The seasons, las estaciones
The seasons, las estaciones
Summer, el verano, is nice and warm
Fall, el otoño, colored leaves fall on the ground
Let's learn the seasons, estaciones
On a winter day, the snow is falling
En un día de invierno, la nieve cae
And as the months go by
Soon comes the spring
Es la primavera
With all its budding beauty
The seasons, las estaciones
The seasons, las estaciones
Winter, el invierno, is cold and snowy
Spring, la primavera, the days become longer
Let's learn the seasons, estaciones
Summer / Verano
Fall / Otoño
Winter / Invierno
Spring / Primavera
The seasons, las estaciones
The seasons, las estaciones
There are four seasons in the year
Hay cuatro estaciones en el año
Let's learn the seasons, estaciones