I had a dream, man, a crazy dream, dude
You gotta hear about it
So, I was a circus guy in the medieval times
And they had me do this thing
Where I would stick my tongue out
And my tongue was really long, man
But I would stick my big, long tongue
Through these, like, hoops, man
And I could see how many I could
Get my tongue through before it got stuck, man
Because the hoops got smaller as you went
It was kind of a crazy dream, man
I've never had a dream like that before
But one time I had a dream that I was a dog
I was like a blue dog, dude
But not like that cartoon, man
This was real, it was real
I was a dog, I was on a hill
They took me behind the shed
And they shot me, dude, they shot me
And I've never felt
What it feels like to be shot before
But I knew in that minute, dude
I knew in that dream
What it felt like to get shot, dude
That must have been a crazy
That must have been one of the
Craziest dreams I ever had