A sickening dread sets in come nightfall
I distract myself the best I can
I've never been afraid of the dark
I've always hated nightlights
But a sickening dread sets in come nightfall
The bedtime routine, a familiar funeral procession
Saturday nights are the worst, I don't know why
Everyone I've talked to tries, but fails to understand
That a sickening dread sets in come nightfall
I hate feeling tired
I like my bed
I like my room
My home has three deadlocks on the patio door
I know I'll be safe, I know I'll be comfortable
But all the same, without fail
A sickening dread sets in come nightfall
I am completely and utterly alone
I am being violently smothered by stress
I will die in my fifties
I will never retire
I will never own a home
I am completely and utterly alone
I am being casually smothered by apathy
I will never marry
I will never see my friends again
There's a cancer in my bone
I am completely and utterly alone
Who are you not
Who are you not
Who are you not
Who are you
Bevy, one