Mirror mirror on the wall
Who shall take me to the ball
Will it be Mr Nice or Mr Nasty
Who shall tickle Miss Cherry's fancy
I like them fat, I like them thin
I even like them with great big things
Goodness me, life is such a struggle
What with juggling jobs and mundane troubles
Tut, I've had an idea, a pleasant thought
It's about time I change my sort
Why don't I ride right out of here
To a magical land where no souls fear
Come with me, my wild, lithe horses
Take me into wonderland, where there are no causes
For worry or wallow, or sadness and sorrow
Just frivol and frovol, whoopee, I shall glow
Wonderland welcomes all shapes, all sizes
Wonderland welcomes all rituals, all dances
Wonderland welcomes all traits, all guises
Wonderland welcomes you, whatever your vice is
As a matter of fact, with my red cape and hat
I shall go to the ball on my own and that's that