Your the judge, your the jury
A thin line sometimes
Serving a sentence
Have commited no crimes
And it burns, it turns
Your mind it dances every night
Follow your dreams
Hold your dreams tight
Visions of fame and glory
A full and good life at your wake
Follow your dreams
And life's yours to take
Open your eyes and cease the day
Say the things you want to say
What's in your way?
In my head
Your always thinking
I'm so easily led
Easily, oh yeah
What's going on in my head
It feels like
Gold turns into lead
Don't let your dreams fade away
Listen to your heart
Your heart not your head
Don't let your dreams fade away
Listen to your heart right now now your head
Your choices pen your stories
Some chapters you'll burn
Will it hurt, yes sir!
But you live and learn
To open your eyes and cease each day
Say the things you want to say
What's in your way
In my head
Your always thinking
I'm so easily led
Easily, oh yeah
What's going on in my head
It feels like
Gold turns into lead
Don't let your dreams fade away
Listen to your heart
Your heart not your head
Don't let your dreams fade away
Listen to your heart right now
Your heart right now
Don't let your dreams
Listen to your heart
You can't let your,
Don't let your
Dreams fade away
Listen to your heart
Your heart not your head
Don't let your dreams fade away
Listen to your heart right now
Your heart right now.