Christ be with me guiding my way
In every step of every day
Christ within me strong and true
Living in my heart anew
Christ behind me in all I leave
Christ before me where I believe
Christ beside me in every storm
Christ to comfort to restore and warm
Christ to win me through every trial
Leading me through the darkest mile
In my sorrow in my song
Christ's love is where I belong
Christ behind me in all I leave
Christ before me where I believe
Christ beside me in every storm
Christ to comfort to restore and warm
With Christ's presence I'm not alone
In every moment in every tone
His strength His peace His guiding light
Carry me through the darkest night
Christ behind me in all I leave
Christ before me where I believe
Christ beside me in every storm
Christ to comfort to restore and warm
Christ be with me now and always
Through every trial and every praise
In His arms I find my rest
With Christ my heart is truly blessed